Category Calculators and calendars

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Calculators and calendars

Chinese pregnancy calendar 2020 reveals whether your baby is a boy or a girl

You take a pregnancy test and discover the best of news: you are pregnant! Surely you have already begun to think that in a few months you are going to hug your baby and that you are going to live magical moments with him. But surely this question also comes to your mind: Is my baby a boy or a girl? It is at this point that we have to talk about the Chinese pregnancy calendar 2020.
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Calculators and calendars

Mayan pregnancy chart to predict the sex of the baby

There is a tradition of the ancient Mayans that has been passed down from father to son since time immemorial. They preceded the sex of the baby by making a calculation based on the lunar phases, the time of conception and the age of the mother. From these data, which were not collected in texts, a table was drawn up a few years ago, the Mayan pregnancy table.
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